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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - sharp


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Перевод с английского языка sharp на русский


1) острый

2) резкий; сильный; крутой

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   1. adj.  1) острый; остроконечный, отточенный  2) определенный, отчетливый (о различии, очертании и т.п.)  3) крутой, резкий (о повороте, подъеме и т.п.)  4) едкий, острый (о вкусе)  5) резкий (о боли, звуке, ветре); пронзительный; sharp frost - сильный мороз  6) острый, тонкий (о зрении, слухе и т.п.)  7) колкий (о замечаниях, словах); раздражительный (о характере) - have sharp words  8) жестокий (о борьбе)  9) острый, проницательный, наблюдательный  10) продувной, хитрый; недобросовестный; he was too sharp for me - он меня перехитрил - sharp practice  11) быстрый, энергичный; sharp work - горячая работа  12) mus. повышенный на полтона; диезный - as sharp as a needle Syn: see keen  2. noun  1) резкий, пронзительный звук  2) mus. диез  3) длинная тонкая швейная игла  4) coll. жулик  5) joc. знаток  6) pl.; agric. высевки, мелкие отруби  3. adv.  1) точно, ровно; at six oclock sharp - ровно в 6 часов  2) круто; to turn sharp round - круто повернуться  3) mus. в слишком высоком тоне - look sharp!  4. v.  1) плутовать  2) mus. ставить диез SHARP practice мошенничество ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. жулик, мошенник, шулер sharps and flats —- жулики и простаки 2. разг. знаток business sharp —- ловкий делец 3. муз. диез double sharp —- дубль-диез sharp key —- диезная тональность sharps and flats —- черные клавиши (рояля) to repeat smth. in all sharps and flats —- твердить что-л. на все лады 4. острие the sharp of the hand —- ребро ладони 5. длинная, с очень острым концом, швейная игла 6. pl. с-х. высевки, мелкие отруби 7. острый, отточенный, остроконечный sharp angle —- острый угол sharp pencil —- отточенный карандаш sharp sand —- песчинки, режущие лицо 8. крутой; резкий sharp slope —- крутой скат sharp drop —- резкое падение sharp turn (turning, corner, bend) —- крутой поворот the road made a sharp turn to the right —- дорога круто свернула направо sharp features —- резкие черты лица the sharp features of his emaciated face —- заострившиеся черты его изможденного лица 9. отчетливый, определенный sharp outline —- отчетливый (четкий) контур sharp contrast —- резкий контраст sharp image —- четкое изображение I caught a sharp view of them —- я их ясно увидел her figure was sharp against the light —- ее фигура резко (четко) выделялась на свету 10. сильный, резкий sharp frost —- сильный мороз sharp air —- морозный воздух sharp wind —- резкий (пронизывающий) ветер sharp pain, sharp twingle (of pain) —- резкая (острая) боль sharp hunger —- сильный (мучительный,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) острый, резкий 2) нечестный, недобросовестный 3) отчетливый 4) сильный 5) искусный 6) энергичный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) заостренный 2) крутой 3) остроконечный 4) острый 5) отчетливый 6) резкий 7) резок 8) ровно 9) точно 10) фазовый sharp cut-off filter — фильтр с крутым срезом - sharp boundary - sharp chain - sharp cochain - sharp curve - sharp cut-off - sharp estimate - sharp estimation - sharp form - sharp function - sharp image - sharp limit - sharp maximum - sharp norm - sharp product - sharp tuning - sharp turn ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., n., adv., & v. --adj. 1 having an edge or point able to cut or pierce. 2 tapering to a point or edge. 3 abrupt, steep, angular (a sharp fall; a sharp turn). 4 well-defined, clean-cut. 5 a severe or intense (has a sharp temper). b (of food etc.) pungent, keen (a sharp appetite). c (of a frost) severe, hard. 6 (of a voice or sound) shrill and piercing. 7 (of sand etc.) composed of angular grains. 8 (of words or temper etc.) harsh or acrimonious (had a sharp tongue). 9 (of a person) acute; quick to perceive or comprehend. 10 quick to take advantage; artful, unscrupulous, dishonest. 11 vigorous or brisk. 12 Mus. a above the normal pitch. b (of a key) having a sharp or sharps in the signature. c (C, F, etc., sharp) a semitone higher than C, F, etc. 13 colloq. stylish or flashy with regard to dress. --n. 1 Mus. a a note raised a semitone above natural pitch. b the sign (**) indicating this. 2 colloq. a swindler or cheat. 3 a fine sewing-needle. --adv. 1 punctually (at nine o'clock sharp). 2 suddenly, abruptly, promptly (pulled up sharp). 3 at a sharp angle. 4 Mus. above the true pitch (sings sharp). --v. 1 intr. archaic cheat or swindle at cards etc. 2 tr. US Mus. make sharp. Phrases and idioms sharp end colloq. 1 the bow of a ship. 2 the scene of direct action or decision. sharp practice dishonest or barely honest dealings. sharp-set 1 set with a sharp edge. 2 hungry. Derivatives sharply adv. sharpness n. Etymology: OE sc(e)arp f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scearp; akin to Old High German scarf ~ and perhaps to Old English scrapian to scrape — more at scrape  Date: before 12th century  1. adapted to cutting or piercing: as  a. having a thin keen edge or fine point  b. briskly or bitingly cold ; nipping a ~ wind  2.  a. keen in intellect ; quick-witted  b. keen in perception ; acute ~ sight  c. keen in attention ; vigilant keep a ~ lookout  d. keen in attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of being unethical a ~ trader; also corrupt, unethical ~ business practices  3. keen in spirit or action: as  a. full of activity or energy ; brisk ~ blows  b. capable of acting or reacting strongly; especially caustic  4. severe, harsh: as  a. inclined to or marked by irritability or anger a ~ temper  b. causing intense mental or physical distress a ~ pain  c. cutting in language or import a ~ rebuke  5. affecting the senses or sense organs intensely: as  a.  (1) having a strong odor or flavor ~ cheese  (2) acrid  b. having a strong piercing sound  c. having the effect of or involving a sudden brilliant display of light a ~ flash  6.  a. terminating in a point or edge ~ features  b. involving an abrupt or marked change especially in direction a ~ turn  c. clear in outline or detail ; distinct a ~ image  d. set forth with clarity and distinctness ~ contrast  7.  a. of a tone raised a half step in pitch  b. higher than the proper pitch  c. major, augmented — used of an interval in music  8. stylish, dressy  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, keen, acute mean having or showing alert competence and clear understanding. ~ implies quick perception, clever resourcefulness, or sometimes questionable trickiness ~ enough to spot a confidence game. keen suggests quickness, enthusiasm, and a penetrating mind a keen observer of the political scene. acute implies a power to penetrate and may suggest subtlety and ~ness of discrimination an acute sense...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sharps, sharper, sharpest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A sharp point or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. A sharp knife, tool, or other object has a point or edge of this kind. The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick... Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits... ? blunt ADJ 2. You can describe a shape or an object as sharp if part of it or one end of it comes to a point or forms an angle. His nose was thin and sharp. ADJ 3. A sharp bend or turn is one that changes direction suddenly. I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left. = tight ADJ • Sharp is also an adverb. Do not cross the bridge but turn sharp left to go down on to the towpath. ADV: ADV adv • sharply Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right. ADV: ADV after v 4. If you describe someone as sharp, you are praising them because they are quick to notice, hear, understand, or react to things. He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee... ADJ c darkgreen]approval 5. If someone says something in a sharp way, they say it suddenly and rather firmly or angrily, for example because they are warning or criticizing you. That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups. ADJ • sharply ‘You’ve known,’ she said sharply, ‘and you didn’t tell me?’ ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj 6. A sharp change, movement, or feeling occurs suddenly, and is great in amount, force, or degree. There’s been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation... He felt a sharp pain in the abductor muscle in his right thigh. ADJ • sharply Unemployment among the over forties has risen sharply in recent years... ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj 7. A sharp difference, image, or sound is very easy to see, hear, or distinguish. Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals... We heard...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »ABLE TO CUT« having a very thin edge or point that can cut things easily  (Peel the apples using a sharp knife. | The metal was jagged with lots of sharp edges. | razor sharp (=very sharp))  (- opposite blunt1 (1)) 2 »SOUNDS« loud, short, and sudden  (The branch broke with a sharp crack. | a sharp cry of pain) 3 »TASTE« having a slightly bitter taste  (Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.) 4 »DIRECTION« a sudden extreme change of direction  (sharp bend/turn)  (We came to a sharp bend in the road. | sharp left/right)  (Take a sharp left after the church.) 5 »PAIN« sudden and severe  (I felt a sharp pain in my back.)  (- see graph at pain1) 6 »REMARK« severe, angry, and criticizing  (a sharp rebuke | John's tone was sharp. | be sharp with sb)  (The boss can be very sharp with people when she's busy.) 7 have a sharp tongue to often talk to people in an angry, unkind, or criticizing way 8 »PEOPLE« able to think and understand things very quickly, and not easily deceived  (a journalist with an extremely sharp mind) 9 »EYES« able to see and notice details very well  (a sharp eye for detail (=the ability to notice and deal with details)) 10 keep a sharp eye on sb to watch someone very carefully, especially because you do not trust them  (Keep a sharp eye on the kids at all times!) 11 »PENCIL« having a very thin point, that can draw an exact line  (- opposite blunt1 (1)) 12 »SHAPE« not rounded or curved; angular  (Janice had the same sharp features as her mother.) 13 »CHANGE« a sharp increase, rise etc is very sudden and very big  (a sharp increase in prices) 14 »DIFFERENCE« clear and definite, so that there is no doubt  (The distinction between public and private services is much less sharp here. | in sharp contrast (=very different from someone or something else))  (Keele wore a smart suit, in sharp contrast to everyone's else's casual attire.) 15 »PICTURE/IMAGES« having a shape that is clear and detailed  (The outlines of the cypress trees were sharp and clear.) 16 a) F...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Safety And Health Achievement Recognition Program physiol. abbr. Scottish Heart And Arterial Risk Prevention NASA abbr. Safety And Health Achievement Recognition Program U.S. gov. abbr. Safety Health Achievement Recognition Program univ. abbr. Safety Health Assessment Research For Prevention funny abbr. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice network. abbr. Self Healing And Redundant Paths educ. abbr. Student Hiv Aids Resistance Programme educ. abbr. Sharing, Honesty, Acceptance, Respect, And Peace sport abbr. Street Hockey Alternative Recreation Program sport abbr. Sports Habilitation Arts And Recreation Program gen. bus. abbr. Staff Honors And Recognition Program gen. bus. abbr. Safety And Health Achievement Recognition Program gen. bus. abbr. Safety And Health Acheivement Recognition Program ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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